Mon, Apr 17, 2017 | announcements, fabric, invoke

Opening remarks

This has been a hard blog post to write; not in a technical sense (though blogging always is - it’s why I don’t do more of it!) but simply because Fabric 2 has been “coming soon” for what feels like ages, and putting it out in the open turns out to involve a lot of emotions.

But here we are: Fabric 2 is no longer private!

Tue, Jul 5, 2016 | announcements, career, fabric, personal
Being picky As mentioned in my 2015 round-up post, I’ve been trying to make ends meet, re: open source plus a paying job. In March, I parted ways with a bunch of great people to take time off1 and embark on a job hunt. My goal was to find a company that could dedicate time to upstream maintenance, used my projects heavily in production, or both: Without a clear split between “internal” and “external” development time, prioritization becomes a tug of war leaving both sides unhappy. (And verbal agreements can get lost when organizations reshuffle.) Only by using one’s own projects can a developer truly internalize use cases and encounter edge cases. Development in a vacuum isn’t great. A role lacking one of these is problematic; one with neither – regardless of how awesome it would normally be – can make OSS unsustainable. Work found Despite my tight focus, I’ve had many great conversations with amazing hiring managers – often, after grilling whichever friend or contact initially reached out. Thanks to all of you! After some difficult decision-making, I’m happy to say I’ve found a role filling both of my criteria! My new employer: uses Fabric to manage thousands of servers, giving me an excellent source of real-world problems to drive development; is giving me 1 day/week for pure upstream development; has plans for a new, interesting-to-an-ops-guy platform that I’ll help architect and develop.

Fri, Jul 26, 2013 | announcements, fabric, paramiko

Deciding when to release software can be difficult. Releasing after every patch or merge is typically too much, though some argue otherwise: it depends how you define “often” in “release early, release often”.

The other options are “whenever you feel like it” and “have a specific schedule”.

Until now I’ve always gone with that middle option, waiting until a large-enough set of changes had piled up to merit a new release.

Sat, Sep 29, 2012 | announcements, packaging, paramiko

I run a handful of related open source projects, and two of them are merging. Specifically: the Python ‘ssh’ library is merging with Paramiko, of which it was a public fork. The bulk of the work for this merger is already done, and new releases of Paramiko and Fabric (the high level library which has over time used both Paramiko and ‘ssh’) will be out soon.

Implied by the above: I am now the maintainer of Paramiko! Huge thanks to Robey Pointer for creating it & maintaining the project for nearly a decade. I can only hope folks are still using software I wrote ten years out.