I’ve been horrid about blogging lately, but didn’t want 2015 to pass with exactly zero posts. First is an open source review/update (the good & the bad), with some more personal topics afterwards. If you’re the skimming type, I bolded the important bits.
A bunch of notes about Paramiko, Fabric and Invoke, such as their websites, their Python 3 support, and more! With copious exclamation points!
Most open source projects store documentation in the source repo itself. This is easy to do, allows the doc builder to reference in-code documentation (like Python docstrings), makes contributions from others simpler, etc.
However, it doesn’t always play nice with “meta” information such as how to contribute, project roadmap, and so forth.
Changelogs are a frequently overlooked aspect of software release management. I’m going to outline the different approaches to keeping them, and describe a dumb yak shave I undertook to improve the situation for my own projects.
Just some quick announcements this time!